Debris Management and Removal

Any large body of water can gather floating or suspended debris, particularly after slow moving storms or unrestricted run-off. Much of this is natural, but there is a growing amount of man-made debris that flows into Smith Mountain Project as a result of upstream carelessness, poor environmental mitigation or littering along tributaries and shorelines.
Our goal, first and foremost, is to maintain safe and clear waterways in main channels after heavy inflow events, but your help is critical for a timely response. If you see debris that needs attention, report it so we can prioritize removing it.
Common questions about lake debris
If the barrel is full, dial 911 so that the appropriate individuals trained in determining whether or not the contents are hazardous can be contacted.
If the barrel is not full, please report it using the report debris form or by calling 1.800.956.4237.